Wednesday, September 27, 2017

♥ Read your message before it's deleted

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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

♥ New message on Badoo

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Zackary messaged you
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

It'd be interesting to have

It'd be interesting to have a play where the stage is separated from the audience by a one way mirror

Thursday, August 14, 2008

There are no second chances,

There are no second chances, only new chances that resemble the old ones you fucked up to varying degrees.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One thing i love about summer: standing outside in the rain at night in a bathrobe.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

What's with this rape and incest exception when people say they're against abortion? It's not based on any philosophical, ethical, or moral considerations, it's equivocation, by the time a chick's pregnant, it doesn't matter how she got that way, the baby's innocent of the circumstance, it shouldn't be killed based on who its daddy happened to be, that's why i've got respect for the hardliners, they actually believe it, so they're consistent. Consistency is an admirable quality.

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I just had a dream, it was a very good one, one of those ones where you're disappointed when you wake up, because you realize that what you had was only something that your brain felt like cooking up for one reason or another, but it wasn't impossible, the way it was, it was like a reminder that there is still something i have to or should do, i was thinking that that was something that time had passed on the opportunity for, but i'm gonna take it as a sign that it's not too late, because what was going on in that dream is eminently possible, i can have it if i go out and find it.

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